Photo processing of planet images with GIOTTO
01. This is the AVI videoclip you want to process- video_DBK21_0077.avi
02. First you need to set some parameters .i.e to tell GIOTTO how to stack your AVI videoclip
03- Specify the Rohbildquelle i.e. the source of your videoclip
04. Specifiy the Zentriermethode i.e. the method how to center the frames in your AVI videoclip
05. Specify the Subpixelgenauigkeit i.e. the resolution grade
06. Specify the Qualitaetspruefung i.e. the quality check parameters
07. Specify the Ergebnissetup i.e. the method how to calculate the final stacked frame
08. Select your AVI videoclip to start stacking. Click the button Offnen
09. The software GIOTTO is now stacking your AVI videoclip
10. This is the result of the stacking. It is not sharp. Dont worry
11. Select the menu item Scharfen-und-Filtern i.e. sharp and filter
12. Use these settings. Finally press the button Bearbeiten
13. Your photo is sharp now but the RGB channels are not exactly on each other yet. The borders of the planet have a color fridge
14. Eliminate the color fridge by putting the RGB channels on each other
15. Press in Frame Rotkanal 2xAuf 2xRechts 2xgrosser. Press in the frame Blaukanal 2xLinks 2xAb 2xkleiner. Finally press Ubernehmen
16. The RGB channels are now on each other. The planet is sharp but its colors are still wrong
17. Save your processed photo as FITS and exit GIOTTO
18. Open your FITS photo with the software MaximDL
19. Adapt the histogram after loading your photo in MaximDL
20. Now it looks better. You used Max-Val in the screen stretch window
21. Select the menu item White-Balance
22. Place your mouse on a region of the planet disc shoul be white. Try to find a proper one. White balance on planet is not easy. Press the button OK
23. Rotate the planet disc
24. Half its size to come back to its original scale as captured by your telescope
25. Ready. Now save your results in FITS and JPG format
26. If you like go ahead and download my software to calculate your telescope characteristics. Thank you for your visit
00. If you use a NIKON camera convert your MOV video file to AVI